weight loss tips

Top Weight Loss Tips (cont.)

Here are two more top weight loss tips to add to your arsenal:

Keep a food journal.

Whether you are trying to lose weight, lower cholesterol, or control high blood pressure a healthy diet is essential. People who keep food journals have a much higher success rate than those who do not.

Increase your activity during everyday life.
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Weight Loss – Are you still on track?

Have you stuck with your weight loss goals?

If not, you may need to add these two strategies:

1. Reward yourself.

When you achieve a goal, recognize it! Achieving your “big” goal is going to take time. Right now you may be fully committed to your new lifestyle, but overtime you may grow disenchanted. Change isn’t going to be easy. Keep yourself motivated and excited about the changes you are making by rewarding yourself when you achieve a short term goal, such as a new book you’ve been wanting to read or a Sunday matinee (with a healthy snack during movie time!).

2. One step at a time.

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Weight Loss Tips

Two weight loss tips:

Identify your motivator.

Be very clear and honest with yourself the “why” behind why you want to lose weight and post reminders where you see them daily. If it’s a desire to look good in a pair of jeans, post a picture of your goal physique within daily view. If your “why” is fear you’ll be taken from your family too soon, keep a picture of your family with you and posted in visible places as a visual reminder of why you need to stick with your plan.


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Top Weight Loss Tips for 2011

If you are like many people across the US it’s a new year and you are thinking about tackling diet and lifestyle changes to lose weight and be healthy.

Here are two top weight loss tips for you to implement this year:

1. Create an action plan.

It takes more than setting a goal to actually achieve your goal. You need to outline a plan of action. This means writing down specific steps you have to take and when/how you are going to take them to ensure you your success.

2. Be realistic.

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Steps to Lose Weight

Here are a few steps to promote weight loss:

  1. Increase physical activity throughout your daily routine (i.e. park further from your office door, take the stairs instead of the elevator)
  2. Cut back on dining out (i.e. pack a lunch for work)
  3. Keep fresh fruits and vegetables within reach
  4. Clean out your cupboards and eliminate foods that don’t support heart health
  5. Cut back on TV time (just how many hours do you log each day in front of the tv?)

The list of steps you can take to promote weight loss and reduce heart disease risk goes on and on. Take it one step and a time!

Receive 1-A-Week Weight Loss Tips at http://www.weightlosswithlisa.com.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD