Weight Loss – Are you still on track?

Have you stuck with your weight loss goals?

If not, you may need to add these two strategies:

1. Reward yourself.

When you achieve a goal, recognize it! Achieving your “big” goal is going to take time. Right now you may be fully committed to your new lifestyle, but overtime you may grow disenchanted. Change isn’t going to be easy. Keep yourself motivated and excited about the changes you are making by rewarding yourself when you achieve a short term goal, such as a new book you’ve been wanting to read or a Sunday matinee (with a healthy snack during movie time!).

2. One step at a time.

In my opinion, this is the most important tip. It’s essential you make changes one step at a time. You can go overboard trying to change all your “bad” habits at once. This sets you up for failure as you will burn out, revert to old habits, and be right where you are this time next year.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD