
Substitute Lean Pork for Chicken or Fish to Lower Blood Pressure


The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet is a plan to lower blood pressure levels. This approach incorporates a diet low in saturated fat and rich in low-fat-dairy, fruits, and vegetable.

The DASH diet includes lean, unprocessed meats in appropriate serving sizes, with two or fewer servings consumed daily. One serving of meat equals three ounces. For a visual, three ounces is about the size of a deck of cards.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition compared the impact of lean, unprocessed pork consumption with chicken and fish as dominant protein sources within this diet plan. Researchers determined lean pork could effectively be incorporated into a DASH-style diet promoting lower blood pressure.

Keep in mind, this only applies to unprocessed lean pork, such as tenderloins or uncured ham with visible fat trimmed. Research does NOT support adding other cuts or types of pork products that are higher in fat and salt to a DASH diet promoting low blood pressure.
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Can Probiotics Lower Cholesterol Levels?


Understanding gut bacteria and how they impact metabolism, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity may provide new treatment options.

Trillions of bacteria and other microbes live within our gut. This microbiome is necessary to neutralize by-products of digestion, decrease toxins and carcinogens, and inhibit the growth of unhealthy bacteria and yeast. The microbiome also aids in the absorption of nutrients, supports the digestive process, and produces vitamins B and K.

Research published in the journal Circulation Research found the microbiome may also play a role in body mass index (BMI) and blood lipid levels (i.e. HDL and triglycerides).
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