lifestyle changes

Lifestyle Changes vs. Diet to Lose Weight

In order to promote heart health, many times weight loss is required. With over two-thirds of the US adult population being overweight or obese, this is almost a given…even though there are exceptions. When you think about weight loss I think “diet” is the first thing that comes to mind. Plus, in some ways it is more appealing. It somehow equates to quick results. However, you do have another option – lifestyle changes.

Lifestyle changes are more effective long term than “going on a diet”. Let’s compare these two options.


There are many diet options.

High protein
Blood type diet
The Zone Diet
South Beach Diet
Weight Watchers
Raw Food Diet
Jenny Craig
Dean Ornish Diet
Mediterranean Diet
Atkins Diet

…and the list goes on. Which one is right for? All the diet options are more likely to cause confusion as you determine which one is best. Plus, the word “diet” implies a short term fix. You’re not going to stay on a diet forever, right? This means after the diet ends, most people regain the weight and you are right back to square one.

For long term success, lifestyle changes are shown to have more lasting results.

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