Benefits of Sprouts

Health Benefits of Sprouts and Shoots

benefits of sproutsNot only do shoots and sprouts add flavor and texture to meals, they also contribute needed nutrients. Bean sprouts are typically more calorie dense than seed sprouts, but they also contribute more protein.

Research into the health benefits of shoots and sprouts is limited. However, recent studies are examining the anticarcinogenic and antioxidant powers of sulforaphane, a compound in sprouts. There is up to 100 times more sulforaphane in broccoli sprouts than mature broccoli.

Animal studies have seen sulforaphane inhibit breast cancer steam cell and prostate tumor growth, while decreasing oxidative damage.

A small study found bamboo shoots to lower cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels.

Buying sprouts and shoots

Popular sprouts include mung beans, wheat, radish, broccoli, and alfalfa.

Popular shoots include pea vines and bamboo.

You will generally find a large selection of shoots and sprouts at your local farmers market and Asian stores.

Select shoots and sprouts that are plump and crisp. Avoid stringy, discolored, slimy, or limp shoots and sprouts.

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