Bottled Water – Is it the right choice?

Have you ever wondered just how pure your bottled water is?

The Environmental Working Group invested bottled water and released a 2011 report with their findings.

Do you know where the water comes from?
Is it purified?
How is it purified?
Are there any contaminants?

Major brands, such as Pepsi’s Aquafina Purified Drinking Water received a ‘D’ and Coca-Cola’s Dasani Purified Water a ‘D’ grade as well. That just means these companies are not disclosing information about the water quality of in their bottled water product. Maybe the water is a healthy, pure water choice. BUT if so, wouldn’t they just share that on the label?

You can access the full report on the Environmental Working Group website –

EWG recommends drinking filtered tap water to save money and the environment with fewer plastic water bottles to be disposed of.

Bottled water costs close to 2000 times the cost of drinking tap water. Is it really worth it?

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All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD