Weight Loss – 4 Steps to Make a New Behavior a Habit

Do you want to lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and lose weight but you’re struggling to change you “bad” habits? If so, here are the four necessary steps needed to change a new behavior into a habit. I’ve used eating more fruit as an example.

1. Decide the habit – Eating 2 pieces of fruit everyday.

2. Set up triggers
– Reminders to eat the fruit, such as fruit on the counter, large note on the front of the fridge, or reminder from wife.

3. Motivation to stay on track
– Remind yourself why you have set this as a goal. What’s the benefit to you if you eat more fruit? More fiber to promote weight loss, soluble fiber to promote a lower LDL cholesterol, antioxidants/phytonutrients to promote a lower blood pressure, low cal/nutritious snack to keep you on track with weight loss, etc.? Whatever rings true to you as the bottom line for why you need to increase fruit intake.

4. Develop repetition
– Eat more fruit day after day. This may mean you need to change up your trigger. After awhile the bowl of fruit on the counter or note on the fridge will blend right in and won’t jump out to you as a reminder. You’ll need to change it up.

Another good resource for tips on changing habits is the free report Stop Wasting Money – Take Control of Yourself. If you haven’t read it yet, I recommend you take a moment to download the pdf version and review it.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Heart Healthy Tips