Lower Cholesterol – Modified Atkins Diet May Lower Cholesterol

The Atkins diet has helped many individuals lose weight, but at the same time it’s been harmful to cholesterol levels. However, a researcher has modified the Atkins diet and replaced the animal protein with vegetable protein sources to compare the results.

The modified Atkins diet includes vegetables proteins from soy, gluten, nuts, vegetables, fruits, and cereals in combination with a low carbohydrate diet. This modified Atkins diet was evaluated on 25 participants for 4 weeks. This group was compared to a control group of 25 participants following a high carbohydrate, vegetarian diet for four weeks. The modified Atkins diet provided 26% of calories from carbohydrates, 31% from protein, and 43% from fat, while the control group received 58% of calories from carbohydrates, 16% from protein, and 26% from fat. After the four week period, weight loss between the two groups was similar at 8.8 pounds. However, reduction on LDL cholesterol was greatest in the modified Atkins diet group, dropping 20.4% versus 12.3% for the control group. A larger improvement in total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol was seen in the modified Atkins diet group, along with improved levels of apolipoproteins and blood pressure.

More research is needed to solidify the benefits of a low carbohydrate, vegetarian diet, but the combination may be promising for both weight loss and heart health.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Top 5 Key Strategies to Lose Weight Permanently