statin medication

New Warnings Added to Statin Drug Label by the FDA

Do you take statin medication to keep your cholesterol levels within normal?

A warning label is being added to statin medications, including Lipitor, Crestor, and Zocor. The warning is to make users aware that the medication may raise blood sugar levels and cause memory loss.

This added warning was announced by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Tuesday, February 28, 2012.

Statins are frequently prescribed by doctors because studies have shown the effectiveness of the drug to reduce the risk of heart attack and heart disease. However, it’s important that patients and doctors are well aware of the negative side effects linked to the medication.

In addition to elevated blood sugar and memory loss, some of the potential side effects of statin medications include:
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Sex, Lies, and Cholesterol

Dr. Ryan Bentley, president of The Wellness Prescription, is one of the featured experts for the teleseries intensive Conversations with the Masters of Healing starting next week!

Dr. Ryan Bentley will be sharing:

  • Why cholesterol may NOT be the culprit of heart disease as previously thought,
  • The reason statins are being implicated for a number of serious side effects,
  • What’s the connection between sexual dysfunction and low cholesterol, and
  • Using functional medicine to diagnose heart disease and treat the whole person versus just a symptom.

Register for this call with Dr. Bentley HERE
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