soy sauce

Better than Takeout: Frugal Asian Feasts for Vegans to Cook

This is a guest post provided by Elizabeth Baker. Elizabeth is on FrugalDad team, providing insights on frugality and savings. Her area of focus and interest deals with the intersection of food and frugality. She’s always asking the question, “how do I make healthy eating decisions without spending an arm and a leg?”

In this particular article Elizabeth discusses Asian foods and recipes. A word of caution if you deal with high blood pressure. . . Asian dishes can be high in sodium. For example, soy sauce contains 1006 mg of sodium per Tbsp. You may have to do some recipe modifications.

The following is the article provided by Elizabeth.

It’s always tough finding new meals to try as a vegan. Even worse, if you’re looking for food to cook that is both ethnic and vegan-friendly, you may just think you’re out of luck. Before you head to the nearest restaurant, however, remember that there are plenty of meals you can cook in the comfort of your own house for a fraction of the price. If you plan ahead, and look ahead for some online grocery discounts, you can enjoy some of these cheap and delicious Asian feasts to try making yourself.

Vegetable Fried Rice

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