
Lose Weight – Shut off the tv!

You’re probably aware that watching too much tv is linked to weight gain. The weight gain is usually due to mindless snacking while watching tv. Well, scientists from the University of Birmingham in the UK found that those who eat while watching tv have increased food intake even after the tv is shut off!

The study followed 16 undergraduates who ate a 400 calorie lunch with either the tv on or off. Those who ate lunch while watching tv snacked on substantially more cookies throughout the day and had vague memories of meal time.

A small study, but gives you something to think about. According to this study if you remember the tv program you watched more than what you put in your mouth, you’re more likely to snack throughout the day. Is it time for you to shut off the tv?

All the best on your heart health and weight loss journey!
Lisa Nelson, RD