sleep weight loss

Sleep Weight Loss – Lose Weight by Getting a Goodnight’s Sleep

Do you get enough sleep? 7-9 hours each night? If you are struggling to lose weight, adequate sleep is essential.

Sleep deprivation affects the balance of two hormones that regulate appetite and satiety – leptin and ghrelin. Leptin is produced by fat cells and signals the brain when you are full. Ghrelin is produced by stomach cells and signals the brain when you are hungry and should eat. Studies show when you are sleep deprived, leptin levels decrease and ghrelin levels increase. This causes you to feel the urge to eat more when you do not get enough sleep.

Here are five tips to help you get a good nights sleep:

1. Exercise regularly.

Being regularly active during the day makes falling asleep easier. As little as 20-30 minutes of activity helps. Don’t exercise too late, which can actually stimulate the body and make sleep more difficult.

2. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco.

Alcohol makes falling asleep easier, but reduces the quality of sleep you receive. Caffeine can still interfere with sleep up to 10-12 hours after consuming it. Nicotine found in tobacco acts as a stimulant which may disrupt sleep.

3. Select bedtime snacks that promote sleep.

A light snack before bed may promote better sleep, especially if it contains the amino acid tryptophan, calcium, and carbohydrates. Some good bedtime snacks include:

Warm milk with half a peanut butter sandwich
Low fat yogurt with granola
Hot chamomile tea with a piece of fruit

4. Avoid a large meal or too much liquid close to bedtime.

Consuming a large meal before bed can make sleep difficult due to the bodies focus on digestion. Too much liquid before bed can cause you to wake for frequent bathroom trips.

5. Keep a regular bedtime schedule.

This is one of the most important habits you can maintain to achieve adequate sleep. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, including weekends. This will make it easier to fall asleep and improve your overall quality of sleep.

What is one thing you can do this week to get more sleep?

Drs. Chris and Kara Mohr developed the 21 Days to Better Sleep program. I highly recommend it. Their videos with instructions are engaging and the content can be put to good use so you achieve quality sleep each night. Learn more and purchase the program here.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD