signs to watch for while exercise

Warnings to watch for during exercise

People Doing Exercise In Park

Exercise is beneficial for everyone, even those who have heart disease or have had a heart attack. Regular exercise can strengthen your heart and promote quicker recovery.

Safe Exercise for Heart Disease

However, there are warning signs to watch for.

Stop exercise if you become short of breath or overly fatigued. Granted, exercise will cause you to breathe harder and you should feel like you have exerted yourself after a solid workout. Discuss what is acceptable for you with your doctor.

If you deal with shortness of breath regularly, even when not exercising, contact your doctor. You may need to adjust your diet, fluid intake, or medications.

If you develop heart palpitations or an irregular heartbeat, stop exercising, rest for 15 minutes and then take your pulse. If you heart rate remains greater than 120 beats per minutes, contact your doctor.

Don’t ignore pain. Ignoring pain can lead to injury.

When to stop exercising
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Safe Exercise for Heart Disease

ID-100339844Exercise is beneficial for everyone, even those who have heart disease or have had a heart attack. Regular exercise can strengthen your heart, promote quicker recovery, and reduce dependence on medication.
Heart benefits of exercise include:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Increased HDL cholesterol levels
  • Reduced triglycerides
  • Decreased LDL cholesterol levels
  • Reduced symptoms of heart failure
  • Improved circulation
  • Stronger heart muscle
  • Blood sugar control
  • Weight loss
  • Reduced angina

However, you do need to be cautious before starting an exercise routine if you have heart disease or have had a heart attack.

Discuss with your doctor first

It’s especially important to discuss exercise with your doctor if you recently had a heart attack, are experiencing chest pain/pressure or shortness of breath, have diabetes, or recently had a heart procedure.

Some questions to ask your doctor include…
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