physical exam

Best Weight Loss Plan – Team Member #1

Successfully losing weight and maintaining the weight loss requires several different factors all working together. Get a team of experts behind you to successfully to achieve the long-term weight loss you desire and put together the best weight loss plan possible.

So, who do you need on your weight loss team?

1. Doctor – A step many skip!
2. Nutritionist – I’m happy to work with you:)
3. Personal Trainer – I’ll share a few options.
4. Support Group – If you’re a member of NewU, you’ve got this one covered.


Before beginning any new exercise or health program, I recommend you consult your physician. Most people skip this step and jump right into the latest and greatest weight loss program they found. Now, granted if you’re young and in decent physical condition, receiving clearance from your physician may not be critical. However, if you are severely overweight, diagnosed with diabetes or have a family history of heart disease, it’s best to be evaluated by your physician before pushing your heart rate too high.

Be upfront with your physician about the reason for the appointment. Most likely you’re doctor will check your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood glucose, and maybe body fat as a way to evaluate your health and if there are any reasons you should not begin an exercise program. Don’t expect a detailed exercise routine and meal plan from your physician. For guidance on effective diet and fitness steps consult the appropriate expert.

Best Weight Loss Plan – Team Member #2

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Top 5 Key Strategies to Lose Weight Permanently