peanut butter health benefits

Is Peanut Butter Good For Cholesterol?

According to the Texas Peanut Producers, Americans eat 3 pounds of peanut butter per person each year. The average American child consumes about 1,500 peanut butter sandwiches by the time they graduate from high school.

Since we obviously love our peanut butter, just how nutritious is it for us?

Peanut Butter Health Benefits

Here are 5 health benefits of peanut butter:

1. Suppressed hunger

While peanuts are energy dense (i.e. not low in calories) consuming peanuts as a regular part of your diet does not lead to weight gain due to a high satiety value (i.e. reduced feelings of hunger).

2. Reduced risk for heart disease

Including peanuts in your diet leads to reduced cardiovascular disease risk due to peanuts promoting lower triglyceride levels and increased serum magnesium levels.

3. Heart healthy fats

About 50% of the fat contained in peanuts is a heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. This is the same type of fat found in olive oil. Studies have found monounsaturated fats improve cholesterol levels and reduce heart disease risk.

4. Lower colon cancer risk

Studies have connected frequent peanut intake to reduce colorectal cancer risk.

5. Reduces risk of diabetes

Research has found replacing carbohydrates with two ounces of nuts, such as peanuts, every day improves blood glucose control and blood lipids in individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Selecting a Healthy Peanut Butter

Read the food label. Select peanut butter containing no hydrogenated fats and minimal added sugar. Check the ingredient list and choose a peanut butter with only peanuts and salt listed. This means no additives and a rich peanut flavor.

Be sure to refrigerate natural peanut butter. The oils may become rancid if stored at room temperature. Try refrigerating the peanut butter upside down so the oils and solids remix and less stirring is required.

Consuming peanuts as a regular part of your diet is just one step you can take to promote lower cholesterol levels. Want more ideas? Access my free e-course here!

P.S. Did you know it takes 850 peanuts to make one 18oz. jar of peanut butter?

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Health Pro for HealthCentral