
Add Mushrooms to Your Diet to Reduce Heart Disease Risk

mushrooms-heart-diseaseMore research is linking vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for heart disease.

Not truly a vitamin, Vitamin D acts as a hormone that regulates over 200 genes. Some functions of vitamin D include:

  • Aids in absorption of calcium within in intestinal track
  • Necessary for blood clotting
  • Aids in secretion of insulin from the pancreas to regular blood sugar levels
  • Stimulates mineralization of bone cells
  • Necessary for thyroid function

What causes vitamin D deficiency?
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Lower Blood Pressure with Mushrooms

Mushrooms are low in calories, low in fat, and rich in calcium and B vitamins.

Shiitake Mushrooms

A shiitake mushroom provides thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, 8 amino acids, and fiber. This mushroom also contains ergosterol, lentinan, lentinula edodesmycelium, and eritadenine, all of which are linked to potential health benefits.

is converted by sunlight to vitamin D.

Lentinan is a polysaccharide with an apparent link to block tumor growth, reduce cholesterol levels, and lower blood pressure.

Lentinula edodesmycelium has potential in the prevention and treatment of cancer, high blood pressure, hepatitis, and heart disease.

Eritadenine is believed to reduce cholesterol and fat levels by increasing their removal from the body.

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