
Hidden Calories: Watch out!

There are some changes you may make in an attempt to be healthier than can actually be sabotaging your weight loss efforts. Let’s discuss some hidden calories that may hide in some supposedly “healthy” choices.

Bagels and Muffins

Muffins and bagels have changed drastically over the years. In the past, if you grabbed a muffin at your local coffee shop they would’ve been about the size of a tennis ball. Nowadays muffins are closer to softball size, while bagels have increased an average of 4-6 inches in diameter.

The increased size equals a dramatic calorie increase. One standard muffin or bagel can provide 400-600 calories.

If you’re in a hurry and the only option is to grab breakfast on the run, choose to eat half the muffin or bagel and save the rest for another day.


Just because it’s a salad doesn’t mean it’s the best choice on the menu.

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