
Is Tuna a Heart Healthy Food?

tuna for heart healthTuna is a fatty fish providing high quality protein, B-vitamins, and selenium. The nutrients help the body produce red blood cells, reduce heart disease risk and macular degeneration, and promote brain growth. The protein provides essential amino acids used for body growth and maintenance, while the fat provides a rich source of heart healthy omega 3 fatty acids.

Many organizations, such as the USDA, American Heart Association, and American Dietetic Association have been encouraging people to eat more fish. This includes eating more tuna. Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce heart disease risk, blood clots, and stroke, relieve depression, and help fight certain cancers.

How Much Tuna

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Heart Health – Is fish oil safe?


Fish oil supplements are a great alternative for people that do not eat fish often to boost their omega 3 intake and promote heart health.

There’s been some media speculation about possible contaminants, such as mercury, within fish oil supplements. However, good news if you supplement fish oil, there are minimal contaminants within the supplements!

There have been several studies, specifically a report by and Harvard Medical School, finding no mercury or PCBs within over 40 popular fish oil supplements. Fish oil is typically taken from fish, such as cod and sardines, that do not contain high levels of mercury. Also, many manufacturers distill the fish oil to remove contaminants.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD

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