meal plan

Meal Planning – Do you know what you're having for dinner?

It gets very old day after day having to worry about what you’re going to eat for three meals each day and snacks. Throw in changed plans and crazy schedules and the fast food lane is suddenly looking more and more appetizing.

A simple way to make the burden of meal preparation much easier is to plan ahead. Planning a menu does not have to be complicated, it simply requires investing a little time each week to plan ahead.
There are many benefits to planning your meals.

A meal plan saves you money. Having a plan will reduce unexpected trips to the grocery store and impulse purchases. You can also work leftovers into your plan to reduce wasted food.

A meal plan saves you time. By planning ahead you’ll have the ingredients you need on hand versus last minute stops at the grocery store, trips to the neighbors, or searches to the bottom of your freezer.

A meal plan promotes weight loss. By having a plan in place you decrease the stress of thinking about what you’re going to eat everyday. You’re less likely to “cheat” and grab a treat from the vending machine because you planned ahead and have a healthy snack of nuts and dried fruit on hand. You’re less likely to opt for the drive thru because you have everything you need for supper at home and ready to go.

All you need to do is pick one day each week to outline your meals/snacks for the week to come. Make sure you have the ingredients you need on hand. Use your menu plan to create your grocery shopping list and stock your fridge/cupboards with the ingredients you’ll need for the week.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
1-A-Week Weight Loss Tips