
The Connection Between Sleep Deprivation, Weight Gain, and Heart Disease

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

A lack of sleep can directly impact your weight and overall health.

Studies have shown a lack of sleep promotes the expression of a gene linked to obesity. Both sleeping too little (less than 5-6 hours per night) and too much (greater than 9-10 hours per night) are associated with weight gain.

Researchers also propose a lack of sleep can lead to a vicious cycle, meaning poor sleep equals weight gain equals conditions that interfere with sleep which equals continued sleep deprivation.


Sleep quality and quantity impact the appetite regulation hormone ghrelin. Ghrelin levels decrease after a meal and increase between meals.

Leptin is another hormone that reduces feelings of hunger. Leptin levels increase during the day and peak at night.

Adipose tissue secretes leptin while the stomach secretes ghrelin.

Sleep deprivation has been shown to increase the ratio of ghrelin to leptin leading to increased appetite and specifically increased carbohydrate cravings. Many studies have shown a lack of sleep leads to increased caloric intake throughout the day.

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