keto diet

Following keto, paleo, plant-based, Mediterranean or something in between? Remember the 4-4-9 rule.

Functional medicine expert Bryce Wylde explains why everyone, no matter what diet plan you follow, will do better by incorporating healthy fats.

Whether for health or weight loss, there may never be a way of eating that is perfect for everyone. “About 25 percent of people gain weight while following a strict keto diet,” observes Functional Medicine expert Bryce Wylde, BSc, DHMHS, Homeopath. “Some people gain weight on carbohydrates. Others do not. Some people are better off eating vegan. But one thing is universal: Everyone would do really well to incorporate healthy fats into their diets.” 

As a clinical practitioner, Wylde understands that an individual’s DNA at least partially dictates how their body responds to food. “There are genes that dictate whether your body tends to store fat or burn it as ketones. There are genes that influence if people are good starch metabolizers. They can eat rice and beans all day without issue. For others, it might be best to sway over to meats and fats.” 

He encourages people not to go all the way down one road dietarily unless they understand themselves better. “In the most general terms, you can have your DNA analyzed then use a self-decode website to turn those results into actionable items.” 

The 4-4-9 rule and other healthy eating tips 

In the meantime, Wylde offers his advice for fueling your body with the right nutrients. 

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