hypertension institute

Dr. Houston Answers Your Top Heart Health Questions – Part 4

All right, this is the final series of questions and answers from my interview with Dr. Mark Houston in February 2010.

Lisa Nelson RD: Does grape seed really help lower blood pressure?

Dr. Houston: Yes, systolic blood pressure is reduced about 8 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure 5 mm Hg. It is in the formulas mentioned above.

Lisa Nelson RD: What causes of an enlarged heart and are there ways to reverse an enlarged heart?

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Lower High Blood Pressure with a Combo Approach

The poor quality of the typical American diet has lead to rampant nutritional deficiencies related to hypertension, heart disease, atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, renal disease, diabetes, and obesity.

High blood pressure is due to a combination of genetics and your environment/lifestyle. Nutrients, including macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals) play a central role when it comes to maintaining a healthy blood pressure as well as minimizing organ damage linked to high blood pressure. Balancing the nutrients in your diet for optimal nutrition dramatically impacts the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure. To effectively treat high blood pressure it is recommended you have a functional intracellular assessments.

What is a Functional Intracellular Assessment?

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