how to lower blood pressure

3 Foods to Lower Blood Pressure

Here are 3 foods containing nutrients that promote a lower blood pressure:

1. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a rick source of potassium. Adequate potassium intake is essential to balance sodium and promote a lower blood pressure. The recommended ratio of potassium to sodium is 5:1. Increasing potassium intake can result in a blood pressure reduction of ~5 mm Hg systolic and ~2.5 mm Hg diastolic.

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Lower Blood Pressure – Answers to 4 Frequently Asked Blood Pressure Questions

High blood pressure is a serious condition that requires treatment. Here are answers to five frequently asked questions you need to know.

What is high blood pressure?

Blood pressure equals the force pushing against your artery walls when your heart beats and when it rests. The systolic pressure is the force against artery walls when your heart beats (contracts), while the diastolic pressure is the pressure against your artery walls when the heart relaxes (between beats).

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