heart attack

The Yale Heart Study Needs Study Participants

The Yale Heart Study is concerned with how people get medical care when they are having symptoms of a heart attack. They are asking people who have had a heart attack to share their experiences at their their website: http://heartstudy.yale.edu The goal of this study is to help people get care as quickly as possible when they are having heart attack symptoms.

The study is being conducted on the internet and takes about 30 minutes to an hour to complete depending on your experiences. Participation in this study is completely anonymous. The study has been approved by the Yale University Institutional Review Board and is funded by the National Institutes of Health. If you have any questions about this study please contact heart.study@yale.edu

If you know of someone who has had a heart attack, there is a place on the website for you to invite them to participate in the study.

Here’s the study address, again, is http://heartstudy.yale.edu

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD

Heart Fat – Is the fat around your heart increasing your heart disease risk?

You are probably familiar with the fact that an ‘apple’ body shape puts you at greater risk for heart disease. A new study published August 16th in the online edition of the journal of Radiology has found the fat around your heart may be an even stronger predicator of heart disease risk.

What is heart fat?

Heart fat, or pericardial fat, is hidden behind the rib cage in a pericardial cavity. It appears that pericardial fat releases proinflammatory markers which promote irregular build-up of plaque along coronary artery walls. This plaque build-up leads to atherosclerosis which can result in a heart attack.

Pericardial fat volume is linked to being overweight or obese. The more excess fat you carry, the greater your risk of having high levels of pericardial fat.

The 183 participants of this study were from the community-based Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). All participants were symptom free, meaning they did not show or experience symptoms of heart disease, but the majority of participants were overweight.

How is heart fat linked to heart disease?

Continue reading

Heart Disease – More Good News For Chocolate Lovers

Good news for chocolate lovers, it may just increase your likelihood of surviving a heart attack. Yes, you did read that correctly. A recent joint study between the United States and Sweden looked a chocolate consumption for individuals 12 months prior to having a heart attack. They found individuals who consumed chocolate twice a week to be 66% less likely to die from the heart attack.

I honestly can’t believe money was invested in this research, but the findings are interesting. Not only did they look at the 12 months prior to a heart attack they also followed the 1,169 study participants for eight years. The data showed as chocolate intake increased over the eight year period death from cardiac causes decreased. A 27% reduced risk was found for those who occasionally consumed chocolate (less than once a month) and 44% reduced for individuals consuming chocolate once a week.

We’ve heard the benefits of dark chocolate before and how dark chocolate is high in antioxidants. This study did not differentiate between dark and milk chocolate intake. However, Swedish milk chocolate contains about twice the level of cocoa solids found in US dark chocolate.

Just don’t forget the antioxidants found in some forms of chocolate come with a big negative – added fat and calories. Moderation, moderation, moderation!

Please share your comments and thoughts below!

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Heart Healthy Tips

Heart Attack Signs for Women – Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

Here’s another question and answer from my February interview with Dr. Cynthia Shelby-Lane regarding heart attack signs for women. Read Dr. Shelby-Lane’s answer to learn about women cardiovascular disease.

Lisa Nelson RD: For women the signs of a heart attack are more subtle. What should women watch for? If everyone responded to every arm/jaw/chest/indigestion/feeling “not quite right” symptom, they’d never leave the ER!

Dr. Shelby-Lane: The female heart often is misdiagnosed.

True or false: Every year, more women die of heart disease than men.

The answer is true, but if you didn’t know it, you’re not the only one. In a survey of 500 physicians led by preventative cardiologist Lori Mosca, M.D, Ph.D., less than 20 percent knew the answer.

When it comes to women and heart disease, ignorance can be deadly. The misconception that heart disease is a “man’s disease” is the main reason women are misdiagnosed, or receive delayed treatment, when experiencing symptoms of heart disease and even a heart attack.

Consider these findings:

In a recent study at Weill Medical College of Cornell University/New York-Presbyterian Hospital, 230 physicians were given hypothetical cases of men and women with identical symptoms of heart disease. Half of the case studies included reports that the patient recently had a stressful experience or felt anxious. When this detail was included, doctors diagnosed heart disease in 56 percent of men compared with just 18 percent of women.

They referred men to cardiologists twice as often as women, and prescribed cardiac medications to almost half of the men, versus a paltry 13 percent of the women. Researchers concluded that in the presence of stress or anxiety, symptoms such as chest pain and shortness of breath were more likely to be attributed to anxiety in women but seen as potential signs of heart disease in men.

Another study at Tufts Medical Center in Boston found that among people who called 911 complaining of cardiac symptoms, women were 52 percent more likely than men to experience delays during emergency medical service care, a potentially critical difference because treatments for a heart attack are typically most effective when given within 1 to 2 hours of the start of the attack.

“We often hear women patients say that their complaints were dismissed or that they were ‘blown off’ by their doctors when they presented with heart disease symptoms,” says Lori Mosca, M.D., Ph.D., director of preventive cardiology at New York-Presbyterian Hospital and professor of medicine at Columbia University Medical Center. “Studies show that there is a gender bias out there that women need to be aware of. Our own research has shown that physicians are likely to label a woman at lower risk for heart disease than a man who has the exact same calculated level of heart disease risk.”

So how can you protect yourself? Dr. Mosca offers these suggestions:

Know your risks for heart disease, such as your waist size, smoking and exercise habits, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. If you smoke, quit. Talk to your doctor about diet and exercise changes you can make to lower your risks, and, if appropriate, medications that might help you. Try this quick test at home: Wrap a tape measure around your waist right at the level of your belly button (don’t suck in your stomach). If your waistline measures 35 inches or more, you are more likely to have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, pre-diabetes and an increased risk of dying of heart disease than a woman with a normal waist size.

Knowing your family’s history of heart disease is important because if you have a close relative with heart disease or diabetes, you are at higher risk for these conditions, too.

Even if you don’t have symptoms of heart disease, having a strong family history – particularly if a parent died at a young age of a heart attack – may be enough reason to be checked early to catch problems that may not yet be causing symptoms. In 40 percent of people that develop heart disease, sudden death is the first symptom.

Learn the unique symptoms of women cardiovascular disease.

Chest pain is the most common symptom of heart problems in both men and women, but women are much more likely to also experience subtle symptoms such as headaches, nausea and upset stomach, jaw or neck pain, shortness of breath and generalized fatigue.

Get help immediately. “Research shows that women tend to call for help later than men do, possibly because they don’t recognize these atypical symptoms as signaling heart troubles, or possibly because their tolerance for pain is greater,” says Dr. Mosca. If you have symptoms and think you might be having a heart attack or stroke, don’t delay; call 911.

Have a checkup annually. Report any suspicious symptoms and don’t let your doctor dismiss your concerns. If you have two or more risk factors and you are over the age of 50, a stress test can give more clues to your heart health. If the stress test shows signs of potential heart problems, further tests can be ordered.

Get a second opinion. If you feel your doctor is not taking your concerns seriously don’t hesitate to find a new doctor.

Lisa Nelson RD: Okay, this was a fantastic answer and I appreciate the detail, but I want to clarify. Are you saying if a woman experiences chest pain and an additional symptom, such as headache, nausea, or shortness of breath they should contact their MD immediately; but if it’s just shortness of breath by itself or just neck pain, not such a concern, monitor and watch for any changes. Is that correct?

Dr. Shelby-Lane: If a woman experiences chest pain along with symptoms such as on-going headaches, nausea, fatigue, and shortness of breath, they should contact their doctor immediately and/or go to the emergency room, especially if these symptoms are of sudden onset. Symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue and neck pain may also be subtle indicators of heart disease and most women may dismiss these symptoms and never mention them to their doctor, thereby, missing the opportunity to diagnose an underlying heart problem.

February is American Heart Month. In recognition of American Heart Month you can access Heart Health Made Easy at a 25% savings. Learn more about this take action guide to lower cholesterol and blood pressure at http://www.hearthealthmadeeasy.com.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Reduce Heart Attack Signs for Women

Does sleep apnea increase your heart attack risk?

This is another question I was asked recently. Here’s the answer:

Sleep apnea increases your risk for high blood pressure, which then increases your risk of heart disease, which then increases your heart attack risk. A vicious chain of events!

The quickest and easiest way to know if sleep apnea is causing your blood pressure to rise is to check your blood pressure when you wake up in the morning and compare it to a blood pressure reading later in the day. Discuss what you learn with your MD.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson, RD, LN
Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

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