Fast Food – Have you decreased your intake?

If you had a heart attack do you think you’d ‘clean up’ your dietary habits to prevent a future heart attack? Surprisingly most people do not.

A study published in The American Journal of Cardiology investigated the association between fast food intake and characteristics associated with its consumption in heart attack patients.

The study looks at fast food consumption in 2481 patients at the time of their heart attack and 6 months later. Fast food intake was divided into two categories – 1. Frequent equaling weekly or more often and 2. Infrequent equaling less than weekly.

The initial assessment revealed 884 patients (36%) with a frequent intake of fast food. This number decreased to 504 (20%) at the 6 month follow-up.

It’s interesting to see that out of 884 people frequently consuming fast food prior to a heart attack only 380 individuals cut back on their intake of fast food. That’s 42%. Less than half of the patients that needed to make a change to reduce their risk of a future heart attack.

Why do you think this is?

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD