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Five Easy Ways to Improve Your Heart Health

Contributed by Ryan Peterson.

It’s estimated 33% of Americans have hypertension which contributes to heart problems. Not only that, cardiovascular disease is cited as one of the most common causes of death, with 17.3 million deaths each year. There are steps you can take to keep your heart healthy. First, avoid the obviously unhealthy choices, such as cigarettes and alcohol. They may feel like they help you unwind and relax, but in terms of your body chemistry, they are actually causing your body stress and damage. Second, incorporate healthy behaviors into your daily routine.

Improve Sleep Patterns

A big part of maintaining a healthy heart is improving the supporting conditions around heart health. That includes being active and eating a heart-healthy diet, but it also means getting enough good quality sleep. Poor sleep increases the risk of heart disease and contributes to many of the conditions around it, such as obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

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