
Slow Down and Taste Your Food

In a previous post – Lose Weight By Slowing Down – we discussed how taking at least 20 minutes to eat your meals will increase your satiety (fullness) and prevent you from overeating. By slowing down you can promote weight loss. I wanted to share a little more information on this subject:

Greek researchers recently studies hormone levels in 17 healthy men. They had the men eat a bowl of ice cream (675 calories) in 5 minutes and then eat a bowl of ice cream in 30 minutes. When participants took 30 minutes to eat the ice cream they had higher levels of two peptides that signal satiety (fullness) even though the hunger hormone (ghrelin) was not reduced.

How quickly do you eat your meals? Do you have any good tips to share with others on how they can slow down?

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
1-A-Week Weight Loss Tips