foods to lower cholesterol

Lower Cholesterol at Every Meal, Every Day

High cholesterol levels increase your risk for heart disease. Felicia D. Stoler, DCN, the author of “Living Skinny in Fat Genes”, shares some fresh ideas on how you can lower cholesterol at every meal.

Lisa Nelson RD: We can now find many grocery options with “cholesterol free” labeling. What does “cholesterol free” mean?

Dr. Stoler: In a nutshell, a food that says it is “cholesterol free” means it has NO animal products in it.  It’s a bit misleading… for example, apples can say they are “cholesterol free”.

Lisa Nelson RD: Should consumers disregard “cholesterol fee” labeling? If so, what should they look at instead when selecting heart healthy products?

Dr. Stoler: I always tell people to look at calories, fiber, and fat. If it’s a food that has fiber, does it have the most (across brands) fiber per serving. When it comes to fat, does it have lower fat than other comparable products?

Lisa Nelson RD: What are some great breakfast tips to promote lower cholesterol levels?

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3 Foods to Lower Cholesterol

Here are three foods you can incorporate into your diet to promote a lower cholesterol.

1. Navy Beans

Navy beans are a great source of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber promotes a lower cholesterol level, specifically soluble fiber which can lower LDL cholesterol 1% for every 1-2 grams of soluble fiber consumed daily. Aim for 25-35 grams of dietary fiber daily. Cooked navy beans provide 6 grams of fiber per ½ cup.

Some additional sources of dietary fiber include broccoli, oatmeal, blueberries, and brown rice.

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