do you need a vitamin

Vitamins – Do You Need a Multivitamin?

multivitaminMultivitamins are marketed as a form of insurance to ‘bridge the gap’ between what you consume and what you need to ensure your needs are met. There’s much debate on whether or not multivitamins are truly beneficial and the potential for them to cause more harm than good.

One Size Does Not Fit All

Everyone’s nutritional needs are different. A man does not have the same nutrient needs as a woman, a child does not have the same needs as an adult, a pregnant woman does not have the same needs as a post-menopausal woman, etc.

If you go to the vitamin aisle you’ll see all the options tailored to meet the needs of different groups. For example, you’ll find Centrum Silver, Flintstones chewables, and Men’s One-A-Day. However, nutrient needs are more specific to the individual. The standard daily value that meets the needs of one individual may be too high or too low for another, even within the same group/category.

No Standard Formula

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