
Marriage – Is it Making You Fat?

With the Valentine holiday just behind us, here’s an interesting bit of information on love and health.

Monitoring weight gain after marriage and divorce

Did you know Ohio researchers followed 10,071 individuals from 1986 to 2008 to evaluate weight gain during the two year period following marriage and divorce.

A variety of factors that impact weight gain were taken into account, such as pregnancy, education, and socioeconomic status.

Do men or women gain weight after marriage?

The study determined women are more likely to gain weight after their wedding day than men. This may be due to the larger role women play around the home leaving less time to devote to physical activity.

The study found men experience positive health benefits linked to married life and it’s divorce that leads to weight gain.

Interestingly, the study also found those who marry after the age of 30 years-old are more likely to experience weight shifts. . .up.

What do you think?

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