
Worksite Wellness Programs – Does your employer influence your choices?

Right now there are a number of federal rules that limit what employers and insurers can do to encourage and reward healthy behavior, such as being physically active, losing weight, and smoking cessation.

President Obama has outlined 8 principles for health legislation that will make it easier for employers to provide worksite wellness and prevention programs, such as tax credits and other subsidies. The goals of worksite wellness programs would be to promote heart health, decrease obesity, manage diabetes, and other chronic health conditions.

Some proposals provide periodic screenings for health problems and others include counseling focused on healthier lifestyles. By becoming healthier, employees will reduce health care costs and productivity increases. Rewards for achieving a healthier lifestyle may include financial incentives, such as gift certificates and cash rewards. Some insurers already reward employees with lower health insurance premiums.

Of course, there’s always going to be the “other side of the coin” as some criticize the plan, saying employers will be prying too much into employee’s personal lives.

What do you think? Would a good worksite wellness program influence you to take action to live a healthier life?

One option to achieve a healthy worksite is by incorporating the Worksite Wellness Programs available to you.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD