artificial colors

Foods Banned in Other Countries, But Allowed in the U.S.


Did you know many foods you eat are banned in other countries? Here are five foods banned in various countries, but still allowed in the U.S.

#1 Farm Raised Salmon

Farm raised salmon are raised on a diet of grains, antibiotics, and synthetic chemicals not shown to be safe for human consumption. Farm raised salmon has been banned in Australia and New Zealand. Stick to wild salmon whose pinkish-red color comes naturally from carotenoids in their diet for heart healthy omega 3’s.

#2 Trans Fats

There are both naturally occurring and artificial trans fats. The majority of trans fats we consume are artificially produced during the industrial process to make liquid oils more solid (ie partially hydrogenated oil). Trans fats extend shelf life and enhance food flavor and texture. Trans fats are linked to increased heart disease risk. Banned in Denmark, Austria, and Switzerland. US companies have until 2018 to remove trans fats from their products.

#3 Artificial Colors Dyes

Thousands of preservatives, colors, and flavorings are added to US food. Artificial colors, such as yellow 5, yellow 6, and red 40, have been linked to behavior problems, as well as cancer and birth defects in lab animals. Banned in Norway and Austria. Most foods in the European Union containing food dyes must include a warning notice.

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