Triglycerides and Baked Goods

A subscriber to The Heart of Health submitted the following question.

Question: “Your article [How to Lower Triglycerides] suggests avoiding baked goods. Is it possible for a more detailed explanation of “baked goods”? Does this pertain to store-bought baked goods w/ sugar, or does it also apply to home-baked such as bread machine output w/ minimal sugar – and that being honey? Are you referring to the sugar itself, or the conversion to sugar of a carbohydrate? Information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.”

Answer: In this case, the definition of baked goods includes cookies, cakes, and pastries regardless of whether or not the product was store bought or home-made. Both will have an impact on triglyceride levels due to sugar content.

FYI – Even though honey is considered “natural”, it still functions as a sugar and can impact triglycerides.

The breakdown of carbohydrates to sugar does also impact triglyceride levels, which is why it’s important to make sure you select high fiber, whole grains and/or balance carbohydrates with a protein to slow the breakdown.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
How to Lower Cholesterol in 8 Simple Steps