The Parts Of Your Health You’re Probably Neglecting

Contributed by Ryan Peterson.

When it comes to taking care of your health, there are some things you know you must do. Exercise, healthy eating – they’re talked about all the time, which means they’re always on our mind.

But what about the other parts of your health like your sight and hearing? It’s those things that can be taken for granted, and it can come as a shock when something goes wrong.

Total health means taking complete care of yourself, and could mean some adjustments to your existing habits and behaviors. Take a look at the parts of your health you’re probably neglecting, and start taking care of yourself from head to toe.

Photo by Marcus Ng on Unsplash

Your hearing

It’s easy to take your hearing for granted, assuming it will always be there, but it can be debilitating when your hearing starts to suffer, for whatever reason. Hearing loss comes in many forms, but many of them are preventable by taking steps to save your hearing. From protecting your ears from loud noises to keeping the volume down when you wear earphones, there are many steps you can take to keep your hearing in check to protect it for the future.

Your sight

Like your hearing, your sight is important, and ignoring signs of a problem can lead to your vision deteriorating rapidly. A regular eye check-up can help monitor your vision and ensure you get the right prescription should you need glasses or contact lenses. For low vision problems, there are solutions for seeing the smart way that can help you improve your sight. If you have any sudden changes to your vision, it’s important you book an appointment to get them checked out as soon as possible.

Your sleep

How much sleep do you get at night? If you regularly have poor quality sleep or sleep for less than 8 hours, you could be damaging your health in ways you haven’t realized. Learning to sleep better can make sure you get quality rest to help your body recover from the day, as well as keep you sharp, energized, and focus. Sleep is an important part of your health, so make more of an effort to sleep more going forward.

Your back

Your back is one of the most important parts of your body for keeping you mobile. Suffering with lower back pain can cause all kinds of issues, preventing you from working, exercising, and eventually leading to other health problems. There are many steps you can take to protect your lower back, including strength-based exercises, improving your posture, and making sure you avoid a sedentary lifestyle as much as possible. 

Try to deal with back issues as soon as possible, and make sure you keep moving too. Swimming can be an especially effective exercise if you find other types of exercise too difficult while managing a back injury.

Your mental health

Mental health is becoming much less taboo, but many people still try to brush their problems under the rug. Seeking help for your mental health can help you learn to cope with stress (including finance-related stress), deal with addiction and other behaviors that could be impacting your wellbeing. Finding a healthy balance between work and your home life is one way to give you the chance to relax and take a step back, while making sure that you talk to people about your problems can help lift a weight that could be affecting you more than you know.

Your skincare

Protecting your skin is important, and if you only tend to use sun protection during the summer, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Your skin needs protecting year-round, and using products containing SPF can not only protect your skin from skin cancer, but it can prevent some of the signs of aging too. Take better care of your skin and monitor it for changes, getting things checked out if you notice anything out of the ordinary. You’ll be grateful when you’re older and you’ve retained a more youthful glow!

While there’s a lot to remember when it comes to your health, it’s important that you do what you can to keep it in check. From making sure you rest and get enough sleep, to taking steps to protect yourself from future conditions and illnesses, you owe it to yourself to practice self-care. Making small changes to your habits can soon help them become a part of your routine, helping you live a much healthier lifestyle, permanently.