hdl cholesterol

HDL Cholesterol – Are you concerned about levels being too high?

Lisa Nelson: Are you concerned by unusually high HDL levels, such as greater than 100 mg/dl?

Dr. Shelby-Lane: The main function of HDL is to help soak up excess cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels and carry it to the liver, where it breaks down and is removed from the body in the bile.

Measuring for particle size and particle number is the best way to tell if HDL cholesterol levels are safe/healthy. This involves testing and it is usually measured under the guidelines of an “expanded lipid profile.” The usual and optimal range for HDL is (40 for men and 50 for women).

Expanded lipid profiles are necessary to look at particle size.

There are several laboratories (see below) with different lab techniques, who specialize in performing these tests and measurements.

* Liposcience (NMR in North Carolina)
* Spectracell Labs Lipoprotein Particle Profile (LPP) (Houston, Texas…..my preferred lab)
* Berkeley Heart Lab with apoA phenotype (more expensive) in California
* Quest Labs with the VAP test (nationwide)

The laboratory test for HDL actually measures how much cholesterol is in the HDL, not the actual amount of HDL in the blood.

Normal Results and General Guidelines:

In general, your risk for heart disease, including a heart attack, increases if your HDL cholesterol level is less than 40 mg/dL.

Men are at particular risk if their HDL is below 37 mg/dL.
Women are at particular risk if their HDL is below 47 mg/dL.

An HDL 60 mg/dL or above helps protect against heart disease.
Women tend to have higher HDL cholesterol than men.

Note: Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories. Talk to your doctor about the meaning of your specific test results.

What Abnormal Results Mean

Low HDL levels may indicate an increased risk of atherosclerotic heart disease.

Abnormally high tests may be associated with:

Familial combined hyperlipidemia
Noninsulin-dependent diabetes (NIDDM)

According to (Natural News) The new scientific toolbox is being used to poke around in HDL’s “house”, only to find good news and bad news. HDL has been labeled “good” cholesterol because it helps remove damaged LDL cholesterol from your arteries and has generally been associated with having less cardiovascular disease. It is now coming to light that the quality of the HDL you have is as important, if not more important, than the amount of HDL you have. This means there is both “good HDL” and “bad HDL” and if you have too much of the bad HDL then it no longer protects you and actually helps cause heart disease. How do you know if you have good or bad HDL? You’d get an “expanded lipid profile” to learn the particle size and number of your HDL cholesterol molecules.

HDL is small in comparison to LDL, and it is higher in protein. It functions as a tow truck, latching on to spent or damaged LDL and returning it to your liver for recycling and/or clearance. The two main proteins that make up HDL are called apoA-I (75%) and apoA-II (25%). ApoA-I is the good guy, and its integrity of structure is vital for HDL’s ability to clear damaged LDL from your circulation and the walls of your arteries.

New discoveries are showing that apoA-I is also vital for HDL’s enzyme functions that give it anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. The role of apoA-II is much less understood, other than to say it is implicated as part of problems with fat metabolism and too much of it causes poor HDL function.

One aspect of HDL fitness is that as it does its work its supply of apoA-I is temporarily diminished and replaced by apoA-II. If HDL then fails to replenish apoA-I it loses its ability to function in a helpful cardiovascular way and actually becomes a problem to cardiovascular health. One key sign that a person lacks apoA-I and has too much apoA-II is elevating triglycerides.
Other research has more accurately defined the nature of the fatty substances that make up the HDL cell membrane. These are rich in phospholipids (phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylinositol). These phospholipids are linked to a unique cell membrane fat called sphingomyelin, which is used to make a major signaling molecule (Sphingosine-1-phosphate).

Triglycerides should never be more than twice your HDL, a relationship that in my opinion is far more important than your LDL/HDL ratio. The new science helps clarify why this is the case, explaining that as triglycerides go up then HDL quality goes down. In this handicapped condition HDL loses its ability to remove LDL, quench inflammation, and perform antioxidant functions.

What really has the science world buzzing is a newly recognized function of HDL as a major signaling molecule in your circulation, one that is acting as a communication platform to help instruct other cells around it what to do. Researchers have proven direct communication from HDL to the endothelial cells that line your arteries, the smooth muscle that comprises your arterial walls, the macrophages that are involved with LDL-related plaque formation, and T cells of your immune system.

Now for the bad news on Cholesterol

HDL can become damaged or “spent” at which point it no longer does any of these good things and instead actually contributes to cardiovascular disease, even winding up with LDL in plaque. There are three main reasons this happens.

1) The failure to provide adequate nutrition to re-energize HDL after it has been out working. This leads to a lack of apoA-I and an HDL cell membrane that has lost functionality.

2) Oxidative damage to apoA-I, caused by inflamed and overheated immune cells. This means individuals with inflammatory health issues will have poor quality HDL. The greater the inflammation, the worse the HDL quality.

3) Sugar glycation of HDL, rendering it “cemented” so that it can’t work. The more uncontrolled the blood sugar, the worse the HDL problem.

Lab tests that help to evaluate your heart are C-reactive protein, homocysteine, lipoprotein/(Lp(a), fibrinogen, ferritin, Total cholesterol (elevated), LDL cholesterol (elevated small –dense ldl particles), HDL cholesterol (reduced), Triglycerides (elevated), LDL and HDL particle size (pattern A and B) –VLDL, LDL particle number (increased number of particles), Apolipoproteins A and B, TG/HDL ratio of > 3.5 simple sign of insulin resistance.

Even if normal, you may still have significant heart disease. Kidney disease must also be ruled out as a cause. The gold standard for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease is a cardiac catheterization, but this is a fairly invasive test, and is not usually done without a history of severe and/or persistent symptoms or an actual heart attack. Other tests may include studies such as an ultrafast CT scan of the heart (if available, lots of radiation and soon to be taken off the market), a CT Angiogram, a nuclear stress test, an echocardiogram, a lipid profile for very low density lipids (with a complete cholesterol panel to look at subparticles), homocysteine level, HS-C-reactive protein, and an ankle-brachial index, just to name a few.

****** Discussing symptoms with your doctor is very important. ******

Please see your doctor for a detailed evaluation and examination, if you have concerns. Tests are ordered by your doctor, only if indicated, and after thorough review and evaluation.

Lisa Nelson RD: Let’s make sure everyone understood what you’ve said. HDL is protective and generally the more the better; however, new research is showing that there is “good” HDL and “bad” HDL. The only way to know the type you have is by completely an “expanded lipid profile” lab test. Correct?

Dr. Shelby-Lane: No, HDL is generally thought to be protective and the levels for routine testing of HDL is as follows: greater than 50 for women and greater than 40 for men. The range for norms depends upon the lab reference ranges which can go from 40 to 90. More specific testing uses the measurements for particle size/number and particle density. Therefore, once you look at particle size for HDL cholesterol, you can determine if you are dealing with an abnormal HDL molecule (particle size, density, and particle numbers) as well. The only way to know the type you have is by completing an “expanded lipid profile” lab test which must be ordered by your doctor. Additional testing is also performed in the expanded lipid profile such as Lp (a), HS – C-reactive protein, homocysteine, VLDL, ferritin, etc.

To learn more about Dr. Cynthia Shelby-Lane, you can check out the services she offers at www.elanantiaging.meta-ehealth.com.

Please share your comments below!

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Heart Healthy Tips

Not Enough Fat – Cutting Fat Too Low Can Impact HDL Cholesterol

When it comes to lowering cholesterol, it’s common to drastically decrease fat intake. While it’s important to reduce total fat, especially saturated and trans fats, if you limit heart healthy fats too much you can make it difficult to raise HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels.

Fat is an essential component of a healthy diet providing energy and the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Some types of fat even reduce your risk for certain chronic diseases.

What’s important is the amount and type of fat. I recommend restricting fat intake to ~30% of your total daily calories. This would mean if you are consuming 1500 calories per day, 450 calories or 50 grams would come from fat sources.

Healthy fat sources include mono and poly-unsaturated fats. Here are examples of healthy fat sources to include in your diet in moderation:

Olive oil
Canola oil
Peanut butter

Some fat in your diet actually promotes weight loss by helping you feel full longer, decreasing your likelihood to snack and overeat!

All the best,

Lisa Nelson RD
How to Lower Cholesterol in 8 Simple Steps

Heart Disease – Is flax oil or fish oil better to reduce heart disease?

A recent study published this past September compared the benefits of flax oil versus fish oil in raising blood levels of heart healthy omega 3’s. Adequate omega 3 intake is linked to lower blood pressure, lower triglycerides, increased HDL cholesterol, and reduced arterial inflammation.

Flax oil contains the omega 3 fatty acid ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), while fish oil contains EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). The benefits of ALA continue to be studied, but EPA and DHA have been positively linked to heart benefits.

The body can convert ALA to EPA and DHA, but it’s been well known that this conversion process is not efficient. According to a recent study published in Nutrition Reviews, 8-20% of ALA is converted into EPA. From this, only 0.5-9% is converted to DHA.

To test the benefits of ALA supplements (flax oil) in amounts commonly consumed, the study followed 62 firefighters. The participants were divided into 6 groups and monitored for 12 weeks. Here are the six groups:

1.2 grams of flax oil per day
2.4 grams of flax oil per day
3.4 grams of flax oil per day
0.6 grams of fish oil per day
1.2 grams of fish oil per day
Sunflower placebo

Results showed an increase of EPA and DHA in the blood for those taking both levels of fish oil supplements. The EPA levels in red blood cells almost doubled by the studies end.

Now, the flax oil supplements did not have the same result. Those receiving 1.2 grams of flax oil daily did not show a significant rise in EPA and DHA, only ALA. The 2.4 g and 3.6 g flax oil supplements increased ALA, EPA, and DHA levels. EPA was increased 30% with a 2.4 g supplement and 40% with 3.6 g of flax oil daily. However, there was no corresponding increase in DHA. This confirmed the original belief that conversion of ALA into DHA is minimal.

The results of this study support my recommendations related to omega 3 supplements. First, consume a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids (i.e. fish, nuts, flaxseed). Second, select a fish oil supplement high in EPA and DHA. Choose a supplement with 850 mg of DHA and EPA per gram of fish oil. Third, if you do not tolerate fish oil, select a flax oil supplement providing at least 1 gram of omega 3 fatty acids daily.

Sign up for The Heart of Health ezine to receive regular heart health and weight loss tips from dietitian Lisa Nelson. Subscribers receive the free e-course “8 Simple Steps to Lower Cholesterol”.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD