Maintaining A Healthy Heart: 5 Simple Mistakes That Are Holding You Back

Contributed by Ryan Peterson.

Image by Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto from Pixabay

Whether you have a family history of heart problems or simply appreciate the rewards of keeping yours in check doesn’t matter. Maintaining a healthy heart should be a priority for all. Sadly, millions of people fail to unlock the best results despite making a conscious effort. Instead, they continue to restrict themselves by committing very basic faux pas.

Here are five of the most common traps you may be guilty of falling into. If you are, now is the time to regain control of the situation.

1. Allowing stress to take over

Stress is responsible for the onset of many different problems. This includes several issues that increase the threat of heart attacks. While it’s impossible to banish stress from your life, several positive steps can be taken. Fighting financial stress and investing in better sleep patterns should be at the top of your agenda. Above all else, you should be willing to talk about any concerns you have. Bottling things inside allows stress to grow until it takes a toll.

2. Not eating enough

Obesity is a major cause of poor heart health. However, extreme diets and calorie deficits may be equally harmful. The key is to maintain a healthy weight while ensuring your body obtains the needed nutrients to promote healthy organs. A centrifugal juicer encourages you to increase your fruit and vegetable consumption. Place your focus on vitamins your need for a healthy heart, such as vitamin D. You then realize it’s imperative that you keep eating, but select the right foods.

3. Taking on secondhand smoke

The relationship between smoking and ill health clear. Unfortunately, quitting cigarettes is not enough on its own. You also need to avoid situations in which secondhand smoke could be inhaled. This might mean putting house rules in place or avoiding some social settings. Cigarette smoke is not the only potentially harmful gas. Chemicals inhaled in manufacturing workspaces can be damaging too. Wearing the right level of protective gear is vital.

4. Not spreading activities out

We know regular exercise plays a central role in ongoing heart health. While dedicating half an hour to gym workouts or cycling is great, you can’t end the process at this stage. It’s important for your body to stay active by getting some steps in throughout the day. If you work in an office, take regular screen breaks to stretch your legs and get the blood pumping. A small spell of fitness surrounding by a sedentary lifestyle is nearly as dangerous as complete inactivity.

5. Ignoring heart problems

In today’s fast-paced world, nobody wants to waste time. Likewise, visiting the doctor’s can be embarrassing and daunting at the same time. Nonetheless, you must consult with your primary care doctor when you experience symptoms of heart disease. The sooner you gain a diagnosis, the sooner you can implement a new lifestyle for establishing and maintaining a healthy heart. Aside from gaining confirmation and knowing what steps should be taken, it allows you to avoid steps that may put you at risk.