How to Have a Heart Healthy 4th of July

The 4th of July is just around the corner, which for many of us means BBQ time!

Here are some healthy barbeque ideas so you avoid sabotaging your heart healthy diet:

1. Talk more than you chew.

You don’t have to have a loaded plate to enjoy yourself. Take the time to catch up with a friend. Enjoy watching the kids play. When it’s meal time let others serve themselves first. Select a smaller plate and fill it with the healthiest options limiting foods slathered in mayo, fried, and breaded. Sit down to enjoy the food versus mindlessly eating while standing around the buffet table.

2. Sip smart.

Your beverage choice can be the biggest downfall. Alcoholic beverages can be loaded with calories and sugar and you already know soda shouldn’t be your first choice. Instead, select unsweetened iced tea, green tea, sparkling water, Crystal Light lemonade, and if necessary just plain ice water may be your best bet.

3. Include healthy substitutions.

You don’t have to plan a menu loaded with only high calorie choices, like a 7 layer nacho cheese dip with chips.
Some healthy choices would include pita chips in place of high fat potato chips, veggie tray, grilled portabella mushrooms, turkey hot dogs and burgers, grilled onions, grilled peppers, and don’t forget the watermelon!

4. Bring your own healthy dish.

I know for me the 4th of July is usually a pot luck affair. So, go armed with a healthy dish you know you can enjoy and fill up on so you’re less tempted to go overboard on not so healthy options.

Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!

Lisa Nelson RD
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