Food Matters – The Documentary

I finally had an opportunity to watch the documentary Food Matters.

If you haven’t had a chance to view this documentary I strongly encourage you to make time. It’s a little over an hour in length. Here’s a link to where you can learn more –

Let me give you a little breakdown and what Food Matters covers.

The bottom line is “you are what you eat” and this documentary drills that point home. If you want to live healthy and disease free you must fuel your body accordingly.

Food Matters cuts back and forth between expert interviews with leading nutritionists, naturopaths, scientists, medical doctors, and medical journalists. These individuals share the knowledge regarding medical research (specifically what is found in research and what is actually shared with the public) along with what they’ve seen in practice working with patients.

Key points discussed include:

  1. Using food as medicine
  2. Organic foods
  3. Food Safety
  4. Foods to lower cholesterol
  5. Drugs that do more harm
  6. Detoxification
  7. The role of vitamins
  8. Cancer treatment (very interesting segment on how vitamin C combats cancer cells)
  9. Foods to reduce anxiety and depression

The all encompassing message of this documentary can be summed up with the following quote:

“Let thy Food be thy Medicine and thy Medicine be thy Food” – Hippocrates.

As a society, we come to accept medication as the norm to fix whatever our health problem may be. We forget to look at the underlying foundation that supports all aspects of our health. . .the food we choose to consume.

Food Matters touches on concerns with nutritionally depleted foods due to soil not being fully replenished as crop after crop is planted and harvested, as well as the pesticides and additives pervading our food supply.

I was listening to a teleclass earlier this week interviewing Dr. Mark Schauss who discussed research showing how exclusively breastfed infants are dealing with complications of toxins due to the foods mom is consuming which leads to the toxins being passed on to baby. You don’t even have to consume an unhealthy food these days to suffer the negative side effects.

I’m getting off track. We are adults and fully responsible for what goes in our mouths.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD