Easy Exercises You Can Do Before & During Work

Guest post provided by James Hundson

CrosswalkYou love your job? Yes, you do! This is one of the main reasons that may keep you so determined and focused on working that you tend to keep aside your own health issues and fitness. The working schedule that most of us are made to follow does not allow us to move. It is difficult for an individual to move out of their place and workout. Sitting and spending hours in front of the computer is found to be one main reason why people are now gaining weight rapidly. We all need to realize that it is we who have to take care of our own bodies before it is too late.

Excess weight gain causes obesity and then results into the most critical illnesses that would require stronger medication. Are you earning so that you can spend it later on medication? Don’t you want to utilize it for a better cause? A little thought now would help you save your future. Just a few basic movements while you are preparing to go to work, or even while you are at work, will help you avoid those extra pounds to get counted.

Workouts before Leaving For Work

It is understood that it is difficult for us to take out an hour for working out. But, just a few 15 to 30 minutes of workout before you leave for work will help you feel fresh throughout the day. This will not leave you feeling drowsy and also avoid the stressed out feeling that might frustrate you during the day.

  • Stretching: Have you seen a cat or a dog immediately after they wake up after a relaxing sleep? The first thing that you will find them doing is “stretching”. Stretching is a great exercise that can be done in the mornings. You can simply stretch any part of your body and thus get your muscles worked up. This will ease your muscle movements and strengthen them to stay fresh the entire day.
  • Walking: A simple walk around the neighborhood in fresh air will help in keeping your legs worked out along with a few body movements that it imposes. Walking in the garden will also help you intake a good amount of fresh air that is needed after a night long sleep.
  • Up and Down the Stairway: This is a great exercise that will help you workout your leg muscles, especially the thighs and also the other parts of the body. A few trips up and down the stairs will refresh your mind and will keep you ready to face the daily stress.
  • Yoga: Yoga is an ancient workout that has been proved and thus trusted. People have worked wonders by simply adapting yoga. A few yoga movements in the mornings will help you refresh your body, mind and soul. You need not be an expert in yoga. Just a few basic movements while you are a beginner would help. You can gradually make use of more complicated movements.

These simple workouts in the mornings will surely prove to be helpful in preparing your body and mind to face the events that may occur on that day. There are also many workout shakes or energizing drinks that you can consume in the mornings. These will provide you with the necessary amounts of energy that you would need throughout the day.

Workouts while you are at Work

Once you enter the premises of your workplace, it is difficult to take some time off for yourself. You can loosen and workout your muscles with simple movements that can be done while you are seated at your desk. Some of them are so simple that no one except you would realize that you are working out this way. This will help you increase circulation and avoid the severe back pain that may be caused due to long hours of sitting.

  • Neck Movements: Continuous hours of looking at the monitor in one position will cause neck pain. You can ease the muscles in your neck by simple neck movements. Bend your neck towards the right and then to the left. Keep it in that position for at least 10 seconds each. Continue this alternately for about 4 to 5 times.
  • Shoulder Movements: Like the neck, continuous hours of sitting will also cause the shoulders to pain. You need to move your shoulders a bit. This will help in loosening the shoulders, add flexibility and strength. Move your shoulders alternatively in forward and backward motion. Repeat each movement 10 times.
  • Wrist movements: For those who are working on a computer for hours together, it is surely a tiring task to work with your hands on the keyboard continuously. You need to loosen the muscles in the wrist area. Stretch out your hand, pull your fingers downwards using the other hand and then upwards. Keep it in that position for 3 seconds each and repeat it thrice. You can also close your wrist and move it in circular motions toward the right and then the left.
  • Ankle and Calf Movements: Sitting in one place for longer hours means that there are no movements by the legs. You can simply be seated in your place and stretch out your legs with your feet point out and toes pointing upwards. Move you feet up and down with a strain being felt at the ankle. You can also circulate your ankle in circular and anti circular motions.

These basic movements will surely help you loosen you muscles and avoid pain. Another important factor that should be looked up to is that you need to concentrate on your posture and the way you sit. It is important to keep your back straight and stretched out. A simple exercise that you can perform while you are seated is by holding the sides of your chair like you would have if you wanted to get up. Stretch your hands without actually getting up. This will help stretching your hand and back muscles in place. You can also twist right and left to ease your abs and stomach muscles. Here too, a proper amount of energy drinks or a workout supplement would energize you and enhance your movements while you are at work.

All the above mentioned exercises are the basic forms that can easily perform anywhere and at any time. You need not leave your place and go around searching for a place to exercise. The exercises before and during work will take just about 15 to 20 minutes of your time and hence you need not be worried about wasting your time at work. If you feel the environment at your workplace is too strict, you will still find it easy to manage a few movements that will help you loosen your muscles.

Author: is a fitness trainer. He is known for his articles and expert advices related to any fitness regime. His skills include body building, strength building, muscle health and weight loss.

Image courtesy of Phaitoon / FreeDigitalPhotos.net