Dietary Supplement Safety – Hidden Caffeine in Diet Supplements

Not too long ago I posted on weight loss supplements and the fraudulent (and potentially dangerous) claims being made. I came across more information I’d like to share with you.

The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) analyzed over 50 dietary supplements and found approximately half contained the caffeine equivalent of 2 cups of coffee. Dietary supplements are not required to list caffeine content unless pure caffeine has been added to the product.

The caffeine content of the products analyzed ranged from zero to800 mg per dose. The highest level found provides more caffeine than 8 cups of coffee.

As always, choose wisely! A well-balanced diet along with physical activity is the surest and safest way to achieve long term weight loss.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Top 5 Key Strategies to Lose Weight Permanently