How to customize your Cardio workout

Guest post provided by James Hundson

Cardio WorkoutWe all have come across posts and many of us also have enough experience about the importance of cardio. Cardio workouts do play an important role in the daily workouts that are being performed by an individual. There are number of posts that mention that cardio needs to be performed in enough amounts so that it matches with the intensity of workouts that you are about to perform. Less cardio may result in injury and thus lower results than one may be expecting.

But, are you really fond of the cardio that you usually perform? Is the normal walk over the tread mill enough to get your heart beats high? Or do you need to put in some more efforts while performing cardio? The body usually gets used to different workouts or even the cardio exercises that you may be performing every day. Thus, a change is something that is needed. A change in the way you workout can surely help your body get worked out in another way and it will surely give you brighter results.

Are you tired performing the same old cardio? Here are a few ways that you can adapt to while you think of customizing your workouts. These methods are quite simple and seem to be similar to the way things are performed otherwise. Let us take a look at each of these one by one.

  1. It is not just an Indoor Activity

Many of us who rush to the gym to perform regular workouts are the ones who are used to working out on machines thoroughly. Here is where one can lose interest. Cardio is not all about entering a gym and working out on the machines like you always do. You can also take part in few outdoor activities that help you cover up the efforts you would have put in the gym. Activities such as playing with Frisbees, blades and many more or trying rock climbing or a game of football with friends can be an excellent idea to perform cardio in a fun filled manner.

  1. Add in some Interval training into your Cardio:

We have already seen that short intervals taken in between high intensity workouts can be extremely beneficial. If we introduce this in cardio as well, we will be able to make sure that the cardio is also as effective as the further workouts that we may perform. But, it is also important to remember that the time that is allotted for workout should be large enough and one should perform the highest intensity workouts. The interval time has to be the shortest and has to include some recovery exercises that may include a complete full stop or a slow walk for a while. This alteration of cardio will help you get better results soon.

  1. Carrying the sand bag

This is a workout that is similar to that of carrying weights. But, here you need to get a bag filled with sand. This sand bag should weigh about 20 or 30 pounds. All you need to do with this is that you will have to walk for a few miles carrying this bag. Be careful not to let it touch the ground. You can rotate the bag and keep carrying it in front of your chest, on your shoulders or even on your back. This is a great way to work out while you are walking for a few miles.

  1. Alter the use of a step mill

A step mill is commonly seen used for the purpose of walking. If we think of it in a creative way, there are so many different things that can be done on it. Making use of this machine is a different yet interesting way, may help make workouts even more effective and fun to be performed. Missing a step, sprinting or moving towards the sides are two things that can be performed while you are working out on a step mill.

  1. Pay attention to the Diets and Supplements

We have all seen that cardio is extremely important before we move on to the other regular workouts. The intensity of cardio depends on the intensity of the workouts that we are planning to perform. They should be almost equal. This is the reason we need enough energy to perform cardio in the right way. Since we are already planning to alter the methods of cardio, it is seen that this customized cardio will require a lot more energy than we actually think. Thus, it is important to consume proper foods that contain high amounts of protein and also a (this product promoted by guest author, not Lisa Nelson RD) if necessary. These foods and workout supplements will help you increase your body’s metabolism and make sure that you have enough energy to work better.

  1. Perform the Farmer’s Walk

Farmers are usually seen walking by carrying loads in both their hands. Thus, the workout called the Farmer’s walk is something similar in which you will have to pick up a set of dumb bells in both your hands and walk for about 100 feet leaving your hands straight down pointing towards the ground. You can perform about 10 to 15 rounds of this farmer’s walk with a few intervals taken in between.

These are the ways in which cardio workouts can be customized. Customized workouts not only get better results, but also help in increasing one’s interest in performing cardio exercises. People are often seen skipping out on this major part of workout. But, with the introduction of these customizable workouts, one can be sure of having fun while they are actually working out. Apart from the methods of performing cardio, one can also try changing the location. Like the first point mentioned above, you can perform different activities in places where you love being. It will keep you focused and will encourage you to work better.

Author: is a fitness trainer. He is known for his articles and expert advices related to any fitness regime. His skills include body building, strength building, muscle health and weight loss.

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