What’s new for breakfast? Break free of your rut with these tasty and nutritious alternatives.

Contributed by Lauren Harris-Pincus.

It’s easy to fall into a home cooking rut. Many of us cycle through the same handful of recipes, made with the same ingredients, week after week. Here is something new to add to the rotation that your entire family will love: sorghum. 

“Sorghum needs to become a household ingredient,” confirms Lauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN. “It’s filled with nutrients and user-friendly, even if you’ve never tried it before. And while it is versatile enough to use for any meal, most people are surprised to learn there are many ways to enjoy it at breakfast.” These include Harris-Pincus’s favorite Strawberry Vanilla Sorghum Parfait and another family favorite, Apple Cinnamon Raisin Sorghum Bake. “Sorghum can also be used as a substitute for oatmeal or other cereals. Just add almond milk, cinnamon, vanilla and a little sweetener.” 

So, what exactly is sorghum? 

Sorghum is an ancient whole grain, grown by U.S. farmers. It is very sustainable and drought resistant. It is naturally gluten free and low FODMAP. “What I like about sorghum is it is a great source of plant-based protein and prebiotic fiber, as well as antioxidants and polyphenols,” says Harris-Pincus. “It takes on whatever flavor you add to it, and is easily used in place of rice, pasta or anywhere you’d use a grain.”

Today’s widespread use of instant pots and pressure cookers makes adding sorghum into your cooking repertoire even easier. “It usually takes just 50 minutes to cook on the stove or about 20 minutes in an instant pot. For good time management, you can cook a large batch for the week and freeze what you don’t need,” says Harris-Pincus. It won’t get soggy or lose its texture. “The beauty of cooking sorghum is that you don’t need exact proportions of water-to-grain. Just get it to the point where it’s cooked thoroughly. If there’s extra water, simply drain it.”

Why changing up your meal routine is really important 

“We want to include a variety of foods in our diet because each item provides a different benefit,” explains Harris-Pincus. “If you eat the same foods week in, week out, you’re only consuming one set of nutrients. Certainly sorghum deserves a place in that rotation.

“Similarly, our bodies need a balance of nutrients to stay healthy. For example, many people are afraid of carbs. The truth is we need them. The trick is choosing the right ones in the appropriate amounts. Aim for about a half cup to one cup serving of whole grains with your meal.”  

And while Harris-Pincus says sorghum is a good ingredient to include in dinner entrees or side dishes, she says people may forget about it when preparing breakfast and lunch. “The fiber in whole grain sorghum is very satisfying and will help to reduce hunger throughout the day. And sorghum syrup, which resembles molasses, deserves a place on the breakfast table because it contains more calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron than many common sweeteners.”