5 Simple Holiday Substitutions to Save Calories

Preventing holiday weight gain does not mean you need to deprive yourself of your favorite holiday foods! Simple recipe substitutions can save you calories without sacrificing the taste you love.

Five Tips for a Healthier Holiday:

1. Applesauce or Plum Puree: Use canned applesauce or plum puree in your holiday cookie, cake and pie recipes as a healthier alternative to replace butter and oils.

2. Pumpkin: Use canned pumpkin for more than pumpkin pie. Add canned pumpkin to mashed potatoes in place of heavy cream or butter.

3. Broths: Substitute chicken or beef broth for oil when sauteing meats and vegetables. Choose broth low in sodium for an even healthier choice that’s still full of flavor.

4. Cranberry Sauce: Use cranberry sauce to top your turnkey instead of pilling on the gravy.

5. Cocoa: Replace chocolate in baking recipes with 3 tablespoons of cocoa for every 1 ounce of chocolate.

Making healthy recipe substitutions is just one step towards preventing holiday weight gain. Join dietitians Ursula Ridens RD and Lisa Nelson RD for the free teleclass “10 Secrets to Survive the Holidays Without Gaining Weight”. You’ll learn more about steps you can take to stop holiday weight gain and have your specific questions answered. Go to https://www.lisanelsonrd.com/newu/holidaycall.html to sign up!