3 Reasons to Exercise

Physical activity, especially aerobic exercise, is beneficial for your cardiovascular system.

Here are 3 reasons to add physical activity to your daily routine starting today:

1. Lowers LDL cholesterol

Being physically activity daily for 30 minutes, such as a 30 minute walk, has been linked to reduce LDL cholesterol levels in both men and women.

2. Reduce risk for diabetes

Diagnosis of diabetes is on the rise, especially in children. Protect yourself (and your children) from developing diabetes by being active a minimum of 150 minutes each week.

3. Decrease risk for breast and colon cancer

A study has found a 35% reduced risk of getting breast cancer in women who are regularly active. Physical activity also increases survival rate in women diagnosed with breast cancer. The Harvard Nurses’ Health Study shows walking three to five hours each week to decrease risk of death 50 percent. Physical activity has also been linked to reduced risk for colon and rectal cancers.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
How to Lower Cholesterol in 8 Simple Steps