statin drugs

Heart Disease Risk and Cholesterol Levels

Do you take statin medication? If so, when did your doctor recommend you being statins? Was it when your lab results found your LDL cholesterol levels to be elevated?

LDL cholesterol has been the measure used to determine when lipid lowering therapy is needed…and statins are often the therapy started.

Research is beginning to question if LDL is the best measure for knowing if cholesterol treatment is warranted to reduce heart disease risk.
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New Warnings Added to Statin Drug Label by the FDA

Do you take statin medication to keep your cholesterol levels within normal?

A warning label is being added to statin medications, including Lipitor, Crestor, and Zocor. The warning is to make users aware that the medication may raise blood sugar levels and cause memory loss.

This added warning was announced by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Tuesday, February 28, 2012.

Statins are frequently prescribed by doctors because studies have shown the effectiveness of the drug to reduce the risk of heart attack and heart disease. However, it’s important that patients and doctors are well aware of the negative side effects linked to the medication.

In addition to elevated blood sugar and memory loss, some of the potential side effects of statin medications include:
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