holiday heart

10 Tips on What to Avoid During the Holidays to Prevent Holiday Heart Syndrome

Holiday Heart Syndrome

Heart-related deaths increase during the holidays with 33% more deaths occurring in December and January.

Avoid these 10 activities to protect your heart from holiday heart syndrome this holiday:

1. Stress

While the holidays are often happy times spent with family, it’s also a time of increased stress as you prepare for the festivities. The busyness is not going to ebb. You need to make relaxation a priority by scheduling breaks into your calendar. Use this scheduled time for whatever relaxation method works best for you… meditation, exercise, deep breathing, a nap. Don’t underestimate the importance of managing stress.

2. Sleep deprivation

Ongoing sleep deprivation is connected to increased risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. To get better sleep during and after the holidays go to bed and get up and the same time each day, stop eating three hours before bedtime, avoid fluids two hours before bedtime, and make your bedroom as dark as possible.

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