Do I need to be concerned about high HDL levels?

My LDL is 50, my HDL is 160 and my triglycerides 90.  Do I need to be concerned about my high HDL levels?

The above question is one I recently answered for a visitor to The Health Central Network.  I thought readers of this blog may be interested in the answer as well, so here it is.

HDL is the good cholesterol and does not contribute to arterial plaque that leads to heart disease.  HDL actually does the opposite and reduces the plaque lining your artery walls.  A high level is a good thing and reduces your heart disease risk.  If taking medications, speak with your MD to double check whether your medication is playing a role.

Now, we are learning that there are two different types of HDL molecules and of course one is “good” and the other “bad”. The only way to know which type of HDL you have and your levels is get get an expanded lipid profile. Consult with your MD to learn your options.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson, RD, LN
How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally
